The National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA) is back in the news again.  The July 17, 2007 Newsweek Magazine touts the huge benefits of using an Exclusive Buyer Agent that belongs to NAEBA.   Not all Buyer Agents are the same.

Don’t be FOOLED!  Many traditional real estate agents just use the title of a Buyer Agent in order to “drum up” more business.  The best representation and protection for any residential or investor home buyer is an Exclusive Buyer Agent.  Exclusive Buyer agent simply means that the agent will NEVER take listings or sell homes.  You will not be steered toward company listings or SOLD a home.

An Exclusive Buyer Agent is the guaranteed highest and best form of representation available for a home buyer.  Exclusive Buyer Agents will have access to all the homes on the market and probably have access to more homes then even a traditional real estate agent.  Every potential home buyer should read this Newsweek Magazine article.  It is great information.

I also really appreciate that the author of the article quoted Stephen Brobeck of the Consumer Federation of America (CFA).    For nearly 30 years, the CFA has been the PREMIER consumer advocacy group in the country.  The CFA works to advance pro-consumer policies dealing with food, agriculture, real estate, finance and communication.  From nearly day one!, the CFA has always advocated using an Exclusive Buyer Agent instead of any other type of “so called” Buyer Agent.

So don’t settle for anything less then a true Exclusive Buyer Agent from NAEBA

HomeBuyer Advocate Mike

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